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OTTY Sleep
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About OTTY Sleep
Michal, the founder of OTTY is an all-round active lifestyle type and understands the importance of a good nights sleep, though couldn't find a mattress good enough to satisfy that.
Amongst the hundreds of mattresses of different types, thicknesses or firmnesses - most of which costing more than an average months wage - it is near enough impossible to make a good decision on what to buy. Rather than settling for the second best, Michal decided to design the perfect mattress and OTTY was born.
Mattress Details
The OTTY Blue mattress has 5 layers in total, including 2000 pocket springs, memory foam and a layer of Cool Blue Gel, which regulates body temperature at night. This mixture combines the best of both worlds, soft sinking and body contouring of memory foam and the bodyweight support and limiting motion transfer of the pocket springs. Our mattress is also built with supported sides so you can sleep as close to the edge as you like, without having to fight to stay on.
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